Advanced Bayesian Methods


To introduce students to advanced stochastic simulation methods such as Markov-chain Monte Carlo in a Bayesian context; to illustrate the practical issues of application of such methods, with real data examples; to discuss Bayesian approaches to model selection, model criticism and model mixing

Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of this course, a student should be able to:

Tentative Syllabus

Review of basic Monte-Carlo methods

Importance sampling and other variance reduction techniques, rejection sampling

Markov-chain Monte-Carlo methods

Gibbs sampling, including derivation of full conditionals and choice of blocking

Metropolis-Hastings algorithm, design issues and special cases

More advanced techniques (e.g. the slice sampler and population MC), as time permits

Practical issues in MCMC

Design, convergence, mixing, estimating the variance of MCMC estimates

Marginal likelihood

Definition, approximate computation, MCMC methods, including reversible jump MCMC

Model selection

Bayes factors, posterior odds, BIC, DIC

Model criticism

Posterior predictive checks, other methods as time permits

One or two case studies


Honours: 100% exam

Masters: 85% exam, 15% for summary of read paper(s)